Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 1- Fairy Land

Welcome to Learning Camp 2015

Welcome to Mr. Croft's Learning Camp! I will be trying my best to post pictures, videos, and blurbs about what we have been up to this summer. Check back often. Thank you for visiting.

Week 1- Fairy Tales and Fair Land

We started off this week with a little group project. The students broke up into three different groups and were presented with the following request from Rocco, the 4th little piggy who is moving back to be closer to his family. Request from Rocco

The student's got in their groups and began planning. They were asked to make a blue print of their house and then they could start construction. The students all worked really well together and was interesting to see their different plans. Below are some pictures:


 The students were able to use pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, flexible straws, play dough, tissue paper, aluminum foil, construction paper, and masking tape. Each material was a certain amount of money and the students had to calculate how much their house cost to build and how many/much material they used. Below are pictures of their receipts, materials list, and blueprints.

Once their houses were complete and ready to be tested, they brought them to the floor in front of a fan. The test had three different levels: 1 wolf huffing and puffing, 2 wolves huffing and puffing, and 3 wolves huffing and puffing. If it would withstand three wolves then it was considered indestructible.

The students also acted out, "Little Red Riding Hood" and got to use the green screen for the first time! The students created their costumes and practiced their lines. The final production is below. You can click on the link or watch the embedded video.

On our last day, we took a journey to Mackeworth Island to study and build some fairy houses. It started with cooking group and making some trail mix for the long hike ahead. Once we arrived, we had a 20 minute hike to the Fairy Village. Once there the students took off building all sorts of houses with everything and anything they could find. Below are some of the pictures.

That concludes the first week of Learning Camp! Next week we are off the learn about light houses and more good things in store!

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